Final class 1.
1. What is your family like? What kind of people are your parents, brothers or sisters, grandparents, cousins?
2. Do you have a lot of friends? Say what they look like and what traits of character (черты характера), personal qualities (качества) you like most.
3. Describe your day. What are the most important things, jobs you have to do? Do you always find time for everything?
4. What is your idea of a good student? What personal qualities, skills (навыки) should he have?

Final class 2.
1. Describe a typical English home.
2. Describe the place you live in. Do you consider it comfortable, well-furnished, cheerful?
3. What is your idea of a nice and comfortable flat (house)?
4. Would you rather live in a flat in town or a house in the country? Why?

Final class 3.
Is it hard to study a foreign language? What should a person do to make progress?

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